The Long Goodbye (13)Full unit name: The Long Goodbye (Tatooine)
Last updated: 31.07.2022 21:44:45
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
Relations: Tatooine
Known Facts (3)
"Fifteen boys, killed by that sadistic Gamorrean warlord Takor the Terrible and not one man stands up to lead the rescue."
- Lapad Dula to Republic operatives.

It was one of missions that was executed by Republic Operatives during the Cold War on Tatooine. At Camp Largona, the operatives met with Lapad Dula, member of Citizen's Militia. He was very upset, even angry. He explained that they had lost a fifteen-man patrol yesterday to that sadistic Gamorrean warlord Takor the Terrible, and no one wanted to lead the rescue. Dula was certain that Takor had most likely fed 'em to the Sarlacc - every Tatooinian's worst nightmare. And Takor was well known for throwing his enemies into the Sarlacc's maw alive to be digested for a thousand years. Dula gave the operatives poison grenade and asked them to find the Sarlacc in the Dune Sea, deep within Takor's terrirory, and throw the grenade into the Sarlacc's maw. It wouldn't harm the Sarlacc, but would definitely kill his captured men giving them a quick death.
The operatives agreed to help and went to the Dune Sea region. They found the Sarlacc and a camp of Gamorreans around. The operatives were glad that three of the captured mitiamen had not yet been fed to the Sarlacc. Wasting no time they attacked Gamorreans. After killing many of them - axe-armed thugs, bruisers with a blaster rifles and blaster pistol-wielding overseers, they got to the prisoners, who were guarded by Takor himself. He was a mighty warrior and defeating him wasn't an easy task, but in the end the operatives killed him and freed the captives. Then they threw a grenade inside the Sarlacc's maw to end the suffering of those who had been thrown there before. The operatives and rescued militiamen returned to Camp Largona and reported their success to Dula.
Related organizations
Citizens' Militia
Republic Operatives
Members (1)
Members (1)
Related units, characters and technologies
Lapad Dula
Takor the Terrible
Complete list

Full unit name: The Long Goodbye (Tatooine) Last updated: 31.07.2022 21:44:45